Dog Blogger

Dog Blogger
Magnus PAWSing to reflect.

Monday, November 30, 2020


Mom did not stop being political, reading, 
being a beach comber, thrifting, listening to LPs, 
wearing loud clothing, making colorful choices, 
eating and creating yummy treats, looking at nature, 
staying connected, keeping the faith and LOVING.
We hope you had a NO-vember that was similarly blessed. 

(Guess which tee shirt she would never wear.)
(Can you guess HOW excited is Mom about January 2oth?)
(Dear/deer friends we are sending you light and love.)
(Mom enjoyed seeing blue - and purple this month!)
(Just keep rollin' and lookin' out for one another!)
(There are new discoveries each day!)
(An elephant never forgets enchantment.)
(Be an angel. The world needs more angels.)
(Whoooo have you been helping this month?)
(In music and literature- stick to the classics.)
(Play well with others and HAVE FUN!)
(Don't just see the light-be the light.)
(Look up. Look down. Look all around!)
(Good taste matters.)
(Keep smiling.)
(Vintage is beautiful.)
(Be a goof. The world needs more goofs.)
(Dig deep to discover treasures.)
Fully Rely On God
(Pull your weight and help others.)
(Be a nut.)
(Be thankful. Be thankful.
Got stuck on a double photo.)
(Savor holy moments.)
(Don't lose your sense of humor.)
(Look for patterns in your behavior.)
(Really look closely at things.)
(Be a Rebel Dog.)
(fREADom matters.)
(Sometimes the big things are the little things.)
(Stay connected.)
(Keep searching until you find what you are looking for.)
(Feast on life!)
(When you get puzzled, ask for help!)
(Coffee helps. Send a letter!)
(Be a good neighbor.)
(Golden memories are made by sharing.)
(Home is defined by the dweller.)
(Make some happy little mistakes.)
(Sprinkle tiny joys upon the world.)
(It's okay to wear your heart on your sleeve.)
(Be grateful.)
(Say thank you.)
(Kiss and make up.)
(Tell someone you love them. Share your thoughts.)
(Speak up against wrongs!)
(Be creative!)
(Believe! Hope!)
(Do you see what Mom sees?)
Beachcomber Nativity
Shepherd and animals.
Wise men.
Joseph, Jesus and Mary
(Stay home. Save lives.)
11 years of JOY.

PAWS and think of what worried you and then worked out.
Remember, this too shall pass.

~Magnus Pym



  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Seema

  2. I spy with my little eye a gold sunburst! Magnus, happy birthday you young fella! I'm sorry I missed it but you know I think of you every day so I didn't *really* miss it.

    P.s. not enough cookie, cakes, pies and other desserts in this month's blog.

    1. Hello! Good call! We did actually just add a collage with a slice of pie!

  3. Yeah Nagnus! I always get a lift from your wisdom.

  4. Well done, another thoughtful uplifting blog! A new one for me was cat hair is my glitter😀😀😂

  5. Wishing you and yours a Merry and Blessed Christmas
