Dog Blogger

Dog Blogger
Magnus PAWSing to reflect.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Walking in the Thin Places

It needs to be said,
you can't have your cake...
...and say cheese too. 
I know, I know, no one wants to hear it.
And I don't wanna be the one to say it. 
But if you see what your eating 
is taking up residence on your hips,
something's gotta change.  
You just can't "come to the table and stuff yourself."
Because the numbers don't lie.

(I gained four pounds in 3 months.)
Something's gotta STOP. 
And something else needs to get WALKIN'!
The insanity is weight related sayings like,
 "You are what you eat," 
"You just need to exercise more."
It can be really overwhelming.
Only YOU know YOU to a T.
So do what feels right.

But just get out there and DO IT!
Even at the risk of being a bull(dog) in a china shop.
Grab a buddy.
Friends and fresh air make everything better.

Take the stairs more often. 
Even if they are steep.
But, don't feel too badly if you eat something unhealthy off and on. 
For example, everybody 
knows pie tastes 
waaaaaay better 
when you eat it with a friend!

Put your money where your mouth is and buy less snacks and more veggies. 
We can get squirrelly when we make changes 
so use a lot of self care.
Stay unique.

Use your voice for good.

Stay in the lanes of joy and love
and always look to the light.

Try to read 
or listen to books
that encourage you
and give a positive vibe.

We all make mistakes. 
We may not always make good choices. 

Stay in a place of gratitude,
because a little bird told me
things will work out.

But if ya wanna look svelte in your 
church meetin' & greetin' clothes on Easter
you'll need to take care of your health.

Life's a game.
We make moves.
Sometimes we lose.
Sometimes we win.
But most importantly
we play!
Stay in the game!!!
There will always be slip ups.
Don't forget.
Rest is especially important.

Give a hoot.

Jump to it!

Isn't it awesome when you get in the car, turn on the radio and hear
Some songs bring back such fond memories!
Are there songs you sing loudly 
mostly to tell yourself to really listen to the lyrics?

Do you have some old time favorites?

Stay colorful, weird and unique.

Notice the designs of things. 

March definitely came in like a lion and stayed!
We are glad to see the chilly weather go!

The birds are coming back!

It's time to fill the outdoor planters!
It's EGG-citing!
But, in case you thought Easter was just about eggs and bunnies, 
we'll take this moment to remind you it's about Jesus. 
PAWS and think about some changes 
you may need to make to help you 
maintain a healthy lifestyle.
 (Buying bigger, more colorful clothes is not the answer.)
I'm going to be eating more carrots for treats
instead of store bought cookie-like ones. 

As always, 
~ Magnus Pym


  1. Good advice Magnus! Have fun walking in the April sun this month! Tell mom to model those thrift store fashions for us! ;) Love!

  2. Such truth in this and lived the colorful photos!
