Life is full of transitions.
There's the days of your youth when you chase a basketball
around a yard until you end up in the ER getting an IV
because you dehydrated yourself,
and there's the days you sleep for hours.
There comes a time when a treat needs to be pointed out
because we can no longer see it or smell it.
Stairs become a burden.
We can't hear as well anymore.
Age takes a toll.
We have to accept these changes.
Our bodies demand it.
Our eyes, ears, legs, hips and hearts can only take so much strain.
So we rest.
And we enjoy the simple pleasures of an ear scratch
and a snuggle on the couch.
We all get old.
Some of us are blessed to live long lives.
with many moon and sun moments.
I am one of those pups.
I am still getting into mischief, but it's more of a slow burn.
Here's some pics of Mom's June doings with my commentary.
Please check out her personal blog: Jen Pen's Journeys
where there are many more photos of her recent trip to Colorado.
with this blog using
words and photos
has been such a joy
over the last decade.
Being able to display humor,
and mugshot moments has been a monthly photo gratitude list.
has been an enjoyable journey of discovery.

Not knowing what hides behind the next doorway
has been an exciting adventure.

Seeing beauty in the weeds
has made life more beautiful.
Appreciating where you live lets the day to day experience
unfold contently.
Because there's no place like home.
Sweet home...
As your life's work unfolds
(paid or unpaid)
with unexpected twists and turns
be excited for the surprises!
Ephesians 2:10
Even when some unwanted
and undesirable moments
are dredged up.
Celebrating holidays and special days together

Drink water.
Eat well.
Some healthy choices.
Some super tasty unhealthy choices.
to clear away the blues.
Find time to play.
Some people have brought pets into their homes during the pandemic.
We hope as the humans return to their daily routines
that they keep their furry friends safe and loved.
After you read this blog
take a moment and PAWS to rest.
~ Magnus Pym
R.I.P. Hank