It's still puzzling to think
that almost 1/2 a year has gone by
since my humans have allowed me
to have a decent nap.
My Rem sleep time is way down.
It's exhausting.
COVID 19 must DIE.
Mom bought some bird feeders.
We are now feeding chickadees, woodpeckers, a nuthatch
and of course, squirrels and chipmunks.
The squirrel gets confused which poll to climb!
Mom has had more fun with her beach findings.
She made some temporary art.
Here today, gone tomorrow.
(She did make some postcards with the images.)
The beach ROCKS.
Sometimes you may find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place.
But things will work out.
The beach is breathtaking.
Mom's friend made her a necklace that ROCKS.
Searching for beach glass keeps Mom from feeling blue.
It's become a HOLY moment.
That she loves with all her heart.
She's found some really cool treasures.
When Mom goes to the beach she picks up other people's stuff.
(They need to tidy up after their celebrations.)
Have you been counting your blessings?
Mom and Dad go to a lot of garden stores.
He's bought hydrangeas which thankfully the deer
don't like as much as the hostas and red dogwood.
Mom just window shops and buys the occasional pin.
Life has had some sweet and some tart moments this month.
Sometimes snuggling in a vintage quilt or blankie helps.
And if necessary climbing inside a box.
And of course listening to good tunes.
Mom likes fiction.
But fiction doesn't like her.
She falls asleep reading hard copy books.
So she listens to audiobooks while she walks.
Tom Hanks does an excellent job reading
The Dutch House.
Don't forget to lose yourself in a movie too.
It's so nice to see crowds with no social distancing necessary.
It will happen again!
Keep the faith!
No matter how cool your desk is...don't sit at it too long!
Get outside and see some stuff!
Traveling has become hard.
But it's still easy to put your foot in your mouth
without leaving the house.
Be careful with your words.

Are you (safely) hanging out with friends?
We Americans have a BIG decision coming up soon.
(Don't argue with people about it - just VOTE!)
Make sure you get some time to yourself.
It will help you deal with it all.
It's a lot...
I hope you are having healthy and tasty treats!
Mom is going to miss all the fresh veggies
and fruits from the Farmer's Market!
Are you having some FUN?
Mom is excited about Kamala Harris's nomination for VP!
One person can not do it all.
But we can all do something.
Do your part of making the world better.
Start in your own neighborhood.
PAWS and think of how things have fallen apart
and then come together again okay-
even when you didn't think they had a chance.
~ Magnus Pym