Every day has the same pattern.
Eat. Sleep. Try to exercise. Eat. Do some work. Eat. Sleep.

It's puzzling.

Places that are usually crowded are empty.

Rare are the moments when we venture past the front door.

There are just too many germs out there!
(Even a DOG has caught Covid 19!)

There are so many people suffering.
Illness. Death. Hunger. Unemployment. Homelessness.

There are so many ways.
Donate money and time.
To causes and to artists.
Call your neighbors.
Get groceries for your senior friends.

A blessing from the shelter at home order
is that pollution is clearing!

But after Covid 19 is over we need to
care of our home!

Mom was supposed to go to Florida to be with
some FanDanza friends this month.
(Remember Tony Danza's talk show?)
But instead of actually leaving the state
she and her friends held a virtual vacay.
They enjoyed a weekend of
"time on the beach, window shopping,
sleeping in, going out for brunch,
sunning at the pool, going for a sunset cruise,
and being together."
Well, at least through text.

It was hard not to really be together
but Mom will surely travel again someday.

Just remember, after the rain


Here's two daily checklists.
How are you doing?

I gotta tell ya.
We can only get through a few of these sometimes.

Groceries have become harder to get.
Are you still eating healthy?
Freezing bananas?
Eating junk food?
Making your own pizza?

If you want to learn some healthy recipes
check out Kickturn Kitchen.
They even provide a fun playlist to listen to while cooking!

Did you take 5 minutes to do the 2020 census?

Are you sharing beauty with your neighbors?

Mom's been leaning into her craftiness.
Are you?

Have you been in the ROOMZ of Zoom?
Mom is grateful to be able to "go to church" and see friends there.

Mom has gone through boxes of memorabilia.

She stumbled across some ROSIE moments.
Mom made SO many AMAZING friends
from The Rosie O'Donnell Show!!!

Rosie held a fundraiser for the Broadway folks on You Tube.
The show raised $ for the Actors Fund.
It was full of STARS and HOPE.
Rosie has been coming on Instagram and doing Live chats.
They are comforting and entertaining.

Mom's been listening to LPs of the classics from her teen days.
And streaming '70s on 7 on Sirus - for FREE!

Are you watching American Idol?
Mom is loving supporting these young talents.

The artist formerly known as
is BURNING UP the airwaves.
Check it out at:
Pepper Said

Pandemic Paradies
Chris Mann
are the best!

Mom has been watching old movies and shows
and discovering some new ones.
What are you watching?

This movie sure does explain a lot...
The Human Element

What are you reading?

Easter was quite different this year.

Pandemic cleaning...because organizing has become the new black.

Mom also read old letters and journals.

Kids can't play on the equipment outside TEMPorarily

so for now they are making up
Scavenger Hunts
of their neighborhoods!

Art displays keep popping up all over our neighborhood.

Time seems to be draining away.
And although it may look like there's no end in sight..

I promise, this too shall pass.
The Light is there.

PAWS for a moment and give yourself a BIG hug.
Remind yourself that you are LOVED.
I am sending you all a big wet lick kiss!

~ Magnus Pym
And here's one last giggle: