Sometimes I have to literally lay on top of my loved ones to get them to STAY PUT!
We are having Mom tested for FOMO.
Because she just goes, and goes, and goes!
Mom went this way and that this month -
to Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and Virginia.
Mushrooms and I...
stayed put.
Mind you, I do like the occasional ride in a truck.
But I prefer a walk around the block
where I can mark my territory in the same place over and over.
Birds fly away to new places.
But I would rather stay in one place and see what each season brings.
Even if the local sights are a little scary.
Mom saw these decorations earlier this month.
Her response was: TOO SOON!!!!
That's just ba na nas...
October is time for PUMPKINS!!!
(And shenanigans. I didn't do it!)
But Mom craves bright lights and guitars
so off she went again to rock and roll.
This time to Detroit.
And to volunteer at a K Love Concert:
(But she missed an opportunity to put a M:P sticker here.)
My kinda town hit a HOME RUN historically baseball wise.
Congrats to the Cubs!
I was born in Ohio, as were my Mom, Dad, and all my human siblings
so whichever team wins the World Series
our family will be happy.
It is just so awesome the Cubs won in Wrigley Field!
"We ain't afraid of no goat!"
Mom was in Cleveland the day of the first World Series game
and Dad and my human brother were actually AT the second game in Cleveland!
Talk about heated competitions -
it's certainly getting hot in the political kitchen!
Thankfully by the next time I post a blog
the election will finally be over.
Here's a poll outlook from the beginning of the month
and one from today. Lots of movement in those numbers!
Things aren't over til they are over...
Guess some folks are voting for the pug!
It'll be a duke out til the end - that's for sure.
Mom says she's just praying for a peaceful transition to new leadership.
"Click, click!" as my human Nana says, "Let's change the channel."
Here's some retro views from Mom's thrifting and garage "sailing."
And check out this month's media recommendations:
For a controversial look at women issues and bullying check out the Momastery blog.
(BEWARE: offensive language.)
For one of her local adventures Mom and a friend
went to "Little India" on Chicago's Devon Street.
I know Mom misses India but she's super excited
that my human brother is heading there soon!
In order to go visit her good friend who moved to Virginia
Mom drove past foggy fields in Indiana.
Hung out with two dogs in Cleveland.
Drove through rain, rain, rain and around winding corners.
Saw the breathtaking Seneca Rocks at dusk.
And finally arrived in Virginia where she was able to unwind with friends...purrfect.
They made a day trip to the artsy and beautiful Richmond, VA.
(Nice statue on that step.)
And ate food, glorious food!
(By the bathtub full!)
Below are a few home front foodie moments.
Zoom in to read the clever combinations
and names of the menu items listed below.
Here's what Mom had:
Dad's Halloween night chilli:
Back to Virginia Visions:
Here's the drive up, up, up Carter Mountain to an apple orchard.
Annabelle sitting on top of the beautiful
watercolor cards by Mark Collins Mom was sending friends.
On the drive back home Mom saw a sad sight.
A broken down church building in West Virginia.
Speaking of the church. Mom and my favorite dog sitter
got to see a show that was "out there" religiously - and oh so funny!
"I believe!"
Mom took time to PAWS for a few moments
and sewed some new patches onto her Memory T-Shirt Blankie.
Where will she collect the next patch from?
This fall has been really hard on Mom's eyes.
She saw this sign and wishes she could post it everywhere.
Wow does perfume make her allergies go crazy.
Well that's all for this month.
I hope you have/had a Happy Halloween!
Make it a day of make believe and sweetness!
(I am hoping someone drops a hotdog at the party Mom and Dad are having tonight.)

I love my Mummy.
P.S. Mom's life outlook:
Even though she was a little:
lately due to an eye infection that hung around for weeks!
This month PAWS and think about all the STOP, YIELD, GO moments in your life.
When have you been glad you stopped, yielded, or knew to get up and go?
I tip my hat to Mom for being able to take such long road trips.
But sometimes you just need to hang up the saddle, put up your feet, and relax.
I think November may be that month for Mom.