Thursday, August 29, 2019

Keep Watch

Stay in the light and remain vigilant on your watch.
The Butterfly Effect will occur. 
Numerous times. 
Scenes you have witnessed before
suddenly become epically stunning.
Daily views become cloaked more dramatically.
Dumpster diving into the mind gets quirky.
Feeling blue transports one into psychedelic time travel.
Even simple hydration can suddenly look like abstract art.
Don't get bent out of shape.
Don't read too much between the lines.
Not all of it will make sense. 
As you witness little things 
having a big effect, 
stick to your basics.
Getting exercise and hanging out 
with friends must take precedent. 
Clear out the weeds in your mind.
Reflect upon your blessings and get enough rest.
Notice shapes, bright flashes of colors, and tiny wonders.
Tail wagging beauty will come to you. 
When things unravel, acknowledge that they bug you, 
research your possibilities,
and then build a firmer foundation of strength. 
Deeply contemplate your current choices.
Try new things!
Life is a buffet!
Not everything will be smooth sailing.
Keep pedaling anyway!
Get out there and find your joy!
Keep looking up and across the horizon.
Clear skies will come again.
Keep positive people around you so you BOTH can withstand the storms.
Stay true to your style.
Treat yourself to simple pleasures.
Don't stay frozen in fear.
Get out there and dance party it out!
Take leaps of faith!
Slices of life and pie in the sky moments await you! 
What "wood" you like to do before summer runs out?
Go do it!
Fall is right around the corner y'all...
Thanks for viewing another blog 
preaching the same messages
with different inspirations.
My human mom has been listening 
to the same foundational ideas repeatedly for decades,
but written by diverse people with unique life stories.
Whether the ideas were written between 
160-180 AD or 2014-2019
the human take aways remain similar. 
We all can doubt and fail.
We all have the option to believe and succeed.
We can choose to be kind to others - and ourselves.
PAWS and think about what you need to hear
over and over,
over and over,
in order to remind yourself you are worthy and wonderful? 

~ Magnus Pym