Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rockin' Discoveries

While I braved the cold weather...
Mom went to Arizona!
 All I got was a postcard. 
(And taken care of by a really nice lady who dotes on me, so that was good.)

Here's some of her photos of Phoenix, Cubs Spring Training, 
road trips to Sedona and Tortilla Flat, and more. 

She got a free baseball and got it autographed by Kyle Schwarber.
She did not give it to me.
She donated it to the Missions fundraiser at church.
Sad. I bet it would have tasted good.

There's evidence dog petting happened out there. 

Mom said Arizona ROCKS.
Here's proof:

Mom came back smelling differently. 
She said she had been horsing around. 

She also said she had some "animal" fries and that everyone at the ballpark ate hotdogs. 

Here's some images of Arizona-y stuff:

Mom even went thrifting out there:

Mom has a lot of bumper stickers. 
But even she said you don't see this many stickers every day.

Mom did a fly by at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West.
(No tour. Next time.)

I pined for her to return to me...I like the way she wipes off my muddy paws. 

My human sister loves the color green.
She celebrated her birthday at a place with cool wall decorations. 

More photos of kitchy stuff and a dog named Jitterbug 
who has her own Instagram account!
She lives at Antique and Resale
(Be sure to watch the Chicago Revealed clip in the In the Media area.)

A shark now lives in our home.
It is really good at cleaning up my tiny white hairs.
Mom was happy about it's appearance so the house was clean 
when some of her high school friends came over for pizza and to play pool.  

Although you can't see it, there's a dog behind that fence. 
S/he barks at me when I walk by.
I wonder if we would actually get along.
Talking about getting along...
Mom has noticed there's a lot of controversial opinions being shared lately. 
She says the only way to voice them in a way that will matter is to VOTE. 
Mom says she loves being an American - even when politics get her down in the dumps.

I got to take a road trip recently to OH-IO.

The Force was with us.

On the first day of spring in 36 degree weather Mom 
had some free peach ice from Rita's.
I stayed back at the grandparent's home relaxing by the wood stove. 

Mom was able to have a Meet Up with one of her M:P friends and walk in a park.
Here's a picture of where Mom drank poison.
Ask her about it.
(She's okay.)
Time for this month's Guest Spotlights:
Say hello to Sully, Sammy, and Cocoa.

Lucy and Annabelle.

Lady Love - Amore who likes to help her mommy in the kitchen.

Bandit has a skull and cross bones collar!
He be bad to the bone.

See the dog in the truck?
S/he was barking at me at a truck stop.
(Probably warning me about the garbage strewn everywhere.
Mom was not happy when I tried to eat that dried up piece of pizza!)

A few public service announcements:
This is Mabel. She's just a year and a half old. 
She is an Illinois Rescue English Bulldog who had a "ruff" start 
but happily she's now with folks who are loving her. 

Medical Message:
I went to the vet's two times in one week.
Depression had been suspected since 
I was missing my human brother - but the doc suspected  
some kind of injury had me down. 
But after a quick trip to Ohio to see my bro 
I developed a staph infection in the same spot on my paw as before. 
The doc said stress can bring them on - like cold sores on humans.
That makes sense since the trip to Ohio was a bit hard for me 
as you can see by the window steamed up by my panting.

 One of Mom's friends dogs ate sugar free gum 
 and had to get blood work done and have IVs 
in order to be sure his liver was going to be okay.
Thankfully he is okay!

The Oscars were not as exciting for Mom this year so she canceled their annual party.
That made me sad because I usually scored some pigs in a blanket!
Mom did win a prize from the library  though.
She guessed the most correct Oscar winners!

DVD recommendation:

Book on CD recommendation:
What a brave and articulate young lady.

There's an app for that!
For music, magazines and getting around town.

Arts Section:
Even though I get in trouble for playing in the dirt 
Mom has been playing with dirt since October!
She took a wheel pottery class.

She made some cool stuff!

How was your month of March?
Did you do any traveling?
See anything new?
Make anything artsy?
Make any new friends?
See any good movies?
Discover any new apps?
Read any good books?

PAWS a moment and reflect on any recent discoveries. 
Keep on adventuring!

~ Magnus Pym

P.S. If you live in Massachusetts I am sorry you have to deal 
with the new Two and Through law! Boo!